// Download staircase.cql// PGN output when run on sample.pgn
/********** Queen staircase of length at least To understand this, first note that "Q" is the square a Q is on. So e.g. in the chess initial position, "Q" means "d1". Now, "up 1 Q" is one square up from that square, so it would be "d2" in the chess initial position. Thus, "move from Q to up 1 Q" means: move the Q up one square. The "move from Q to right 1 Q" means: move the Q right one square. So the basic next just looks for a length four staircase starting in the up direction, then going right, then up. The flip makes this look for any directions, and the flipcolor for any color. *************/ cql(input heijden.pgn) flipcolor flip line --> move from Q to up 1 Q --> btm --> move from Q to right 1 Q --> btm --> move from Q to up 1 Q --> btm --> move from Q to right 1 Q