
// Download staircase.cql
// PGN output when run on sample.pgn

 Queen staircase of length at least 
 To understand this, first note that "Q"
 is the square a Q is on. So e.g. in the chess initial position,
 "Q" means "d1".
 Now, "up 1 Q" is one square up from that square, so it would be
 "d2" in the chess initial position.
 Thus, "move from Q to up 1 Q" means: move the Q up one square.
 The "move from Q to right 1 Q" means: move the Q right one square.
 So the basic next just looks for a length four staircase starting in the
 up direction, then going right, then up.
 The flip makes this look for any directions, and the flipcolor for any color.

cql(input hhdbvi.pgn)

flipcolor flip 
     -->   move from Q to up 1 Q
     -->   btm
     -->   move  from Q to right 1 Q
     -->   btm
     -->   move  from Q to up 1 Q
     -->   btm
     -->   move  from Q to right 1 Q