// Download snake-old.cql// PGN output when run on sample.pgn
cql(input hhdbvi.pgn quiet) /* OLD VERSION OF snake.cql USING CQL 6.1*/ /*Find the snake theme allowing gaps between moves. A snake theme begins by a move from a piece T in a diagonal direction D. A secondary direction D' that is 90 degrees rotated from D is chosen. Subsequently, T alternately moves in directions D and D', with possibly non-T moves intervening. There are at least 5 T moves. Results are sorted by number of T moves in the line. The file can be slightly modified to sort by number of gaps. The T moves are commented, which requires most of the code here oddly enough. This file runs single-threaded because a dictionary is retained of the theme moves seen. Unfortunately, nestgap does not fully work in this case due to the use of ✵: some spurious comments are added. */ //First move in theme function First(){ move from T to northeast 1 T } //Second move in theme function Second(){ move from T to southeast 1 T } //nonthematic move inside thematic line function Filler(){ move from ~T} //Start main part of program dictionary ThemeDict // a dictionary to clean up commenting. Each entry // is a position in a theme line already seen not ThemeDict[fen] // cleans up commenting, to make sure we have not seen //this position with another orientation (choice of D) //The next two filters do all the work. The rest of the file is just commenting piece T = move from . //thematic piece ✵ LastPosition=line lastposition singlecolor --> First() --> (Filler()* --> Second() --> Filler()* -->First()){2,} --> (Filler()*-->Second())? // end the actual work //LastPosition is the last thematic position, from which theme piece moves //Count thematic moves and gaps for commenting and sorting ThemeCount=0 // # thematic moves find all {currentposition<=LastPosition move from T // count thematic moves ThemeCount+=1 child:comment ("thematic move #" ThemeCount) ThemeDict[fen]="seen" } GapCount=find count // count the number of gap moves {currentposition<=LastPosition sidetomove==LastPosition:sidetomove not move from T} Start=currentposition //start of thematic line LastPosition:child:comment ("Final thematic move from line starting at " Start) //////////sorting: you can sort by #gaps or by #theme moves /* comment out one of the following lines to sort by #theme moves or by # gap moves */ sort "Thematic moves" ThemeCount>=5 //ThemeCount>=5 and sort "Gaps" GapCount comment("Start of line with " ThemeCount " thematic moves and " GapCount " gaps")