// Download underpromotionecho.cql// PGN output when run on sample.pgn
/************* This template can be used to find underpromotion studies: Pairs of positions differing only in that a single white non-pawn piece has changed in the source {in the mainline} and the target {in the variation}. Thus, that piece must have been promoted to a different piece in a variation. The critical position must be white to move *************/ cql( input hhdbvi.pgn variations) mainline sort "Sum of distances to the LCA" echo (source target){ source<target variation sidetomove == source:sidetomove Mismatch=~(source∩target) #Mismatch==1 pieceid Mismatch==source:pieceid Mismatch L=lca(source target) L:wtm distance(source L) + distance (target L)≥10 }