// Download wurzburg-plachutta.cql// PGN output when run on sample.pgn
/* a version of Wurzburg-Plachutta with focus, but it found no new results so is not worth it really */ /************* Wurzburg-Plachutta. Two pieces, X and Y, each move to a critical square. each also has a unique square it must have access to for defense Each, in separate variations, occupies the critical square, creating a Holzhausen interference which white exploits, so that each piece interferes with the other's ability to access the square it needs. *************/ cql(input hhdbvi.pgn variations result 1-0 ) mainline btm ◭X ∊ ♛♜♝ ◭Y ∊ ♛♜♝∩~X C ∊ (□←X)∩(□←Y){ // the critical square is attacked by both thematic pieces not X→C→Y // exclude unthematic cases where pieces are on the same path ⊢◎X∪Y X――C X―― Y→from→X ⊢◎X∪Y Y――C Y―― X→from→Y } //for each C