; idealmate.cql can be downloaded here.; This search for ideal mate is based on modelmate.cql, ; but adds the requirement that every non-King black piece participates, either ; by blocking the King's escape squares or by blocking a black's piece attack on ; a checker or by blocking a black's piece attack on a square between a checker and the black King. ; Once again, note the addition of the parentheses around the square alls. ; However, this might include some non-ideal mates as in modelmate.cql. ; Not yet verified. cql( input heijden.pgn ) mate btm {square all $empty in attack (k _) attack 0 1 (A $empty) attack 0 (A $empty) or ray 0 attack (A k $empty) } {square all $selfblocker in attack (k a) attack 0 (A $selfblocker) or ray attack (A $selfblocker k)} {square all $attacker in [RNBQ] attack ($attacker k) or attack ($attacker attack (k _)) or ray attack ($attacker a k) or square $checker in A attack ($checker k) square $defender in [rbq] ray attack ($defender $attacker $checker or between($checker k))} square all $friend in [rnbpqp] attack (k $friend) or square $checker in A attack ($checker k) ray attack (a $friend $checker or between ($checker k))