
; modelstalemate-2.cql can be downloaded here.
; model stalemates with at least 6 black pieces, sorted by number of black pieces.
; Same as modelstalemate-1.cql - see that file for additional
; documentation

cql( input heijden.pgn)
btm stalemate
{square all $emptysquare in attack (k _)
   attack 1 (A $emptysquare)

{square all $selfblocker in attack (k a)
     attack 0 (A $selfblocker)
     or ray attack (A $selfblocker k)}

{square all $attacker in [RNBQ]
  attack ($attacker attack (k _))
  or ray attack ($attacker a k)
  or ray attack (A $attacker k)
  or p on up 1 $attacker p}

sort "number of black pieces" countsquares 6 32 a