; multiple-discovered-checks.cql can be downloaded here.; Find games with at least 5 discovered checks, sorted by the number ; of discovered checks. This version uses the fact that "move previous" is ; the square that was last moved to ; Hence, "not move previous" is the squares that were not just moved to, and ; "A on not move previous" is the squares on which there is a white piece ; on a square that was just not moved to. ; The "attack" filter asks whether any of these white pieces - that have not just been ; moved to - are attacking the King. If so, it must be from a discovered check. ; The "not initial" is important on the first move, otherwise every first-move check ; would be considered discovered. The "flipcolor" just lets black give discovered checks ; against white. cql(input heijden.pgn sort matchcount 5 100 ) not initial flipcolor attack (A on not move previous k)