; puremate-2.cql can be downloaded here.; This search for pure mate checks both that ; every empty square in the Black King's field is ; guarded at most once, and checks that every ; Black piece in the King's field is not attacked by a White piece, ; unless that piece is also pinned. ; We say a square is "guarded" if either it is attacked by a White piece ; or if it would be attacked by a White piece if the Black king moved there. ; For example, in the position Ke6 ke8 Ra8, the square f8 is "guarded" but ; not attacked. ; ; In a true pure mate, the pin should be necessary to the mate, but we ; don't check for that ; Note that the addition of the parentheses around the first ; "square all...attack" clause as compared to puremate-1.cql. This is ; important, otherwise the second square all would be in the scope of the ; first square all. cql( input heijden.pgn ) mate btm {square all $empty in attack (k _) attack 0 1 (A $empty) attack 0 (A $empty) or ray 0 attack (A k $empty) } square all $selfblocker in attack (k a) attack 0 (A $selfblocker) or ray attack (A $selfblocker k)